State Staff Connection  
State Staff Connection Series      

Mark your calendar for The State Staff Connection Series!  Below is the complete programming for 2024.  All sessions are at 3 pm ET via Zoom (except May).  Links and session descriptions will be shared closer to each individual event. 


October 2024 - Know Before Your Go      

Topic: Know Before you Go: Prepping for National FFA Convention & Expo

Overview: What do you need to know before heading to Indianapolis at the end of the month?  How can NASAE help you feel prepared for this event?  Perhaps you are unsure how to navigate the city, or maybe you need food ideas for your state officers - the conversation is yours!  If you are new to NASAE, this would be a great chance for you to meet others who may be attending for the first time, too!  The conversation will be driven by your questions and needs. 

Recording: Can be found here!

September 2024 - Middle School Opportunities      

Topic: Middle School Ag Ed Programs

Overview: State staff and middle school ag teachers will join us for a panel discussion on best practices for creating, supervising, managing, and growing middle school programs. Topics will include middle school curriculum and opportunities for middle school members.

Find the recording here!

August 2024 Event      

Topic: Coaching State Officers and Teachers

Overview: Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it become organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to these topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  What you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

Coaching and Mentoring Teachers
Coaching State Officers

July 2024 Event      

Topic: Developing Your Team Ag Ed


Overview: We will start as one group to discuss how to develop your team ag ed.  Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it become organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to these topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  What you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

Recording Here!

June 2024 Event      

Join us at 3:00 pm ET on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 for the next session of The State Staff Connection Series!  This month’s session is a chance for us to come together to share and glean ideas relating to Creating Programs and FFA Chapters at Non-Traditional Schools. 

Topics: Creating Programs and FFA Chapters at Non-Traditional Schools

Overview: We will start as one group to establish a base-line for what is a non-traditional school.  Participants will then choose the breakout (Program or FFA Chapter) that best meets their needs (feel free to jump between the two rooms).  Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it become organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to these topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  What you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

Watch the Recording

April 2024 Event      

Topics: Crisis Management & Data Collection and Reporting

Overview: Participants will choose the breakout that best meets their needs (feel free to jump between the two rooms).  Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it become organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to these two topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  What you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

When: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 @ 3:00 PM ET

Crisis Management
Data Collection

March 2024 Event      

Topics: Regional Meeting, CDE/LDE Coordination & Industry Credentials and Certifications

Overview: We will kick-off the series with a short regional meeting to meet new faces and share wins and challenges.  Participants will then choose the breakout that best meets their needs (feel free to jump between the two rooms).  Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it become organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to these two topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  What you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

  • The CDE/LDE Coordination breakout will focus on tips and tricks for coordinating successful CDEs/LDEs. 
  • The Industry Credentials and Certifications breakout will focus on credentials and certifications students may attain through CDEs/LDEs or at the completion of a course.
Links: Industry Credentials and CDE LDE Coordination

February 2024 Event      

Join us at 3:00 pm EST on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 for the next session of The State Staff Connection Series!  This month’s session is a chance for us to come together to share and glean ideas relating to planning professional development for teachers. 

Topics: Planning Professional Development for Teachers

Overview:  Participants will choose the breakout that best meets their needs (feel free to jump between the two rooms).  Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it be organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to the two topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  What you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

  • Breakout #1 Planning PD activities for teachers throughout the year
  • Breakout #2 Planning PD for state-wide/summer teacher conference

When: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 @ 3:00 PM EST

*If you arrive after the 3:00 pm start time, you will likely enter an “empty” Zoom.  Please click the breakout room icon to choose a room to go into. 

Opening Discussion
Year Around PD
Summer PD

December Event      

Join us at 3:00 pm EST on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 for the next session of The State Staff Connection Series!  This month’s session is a chance for us to come together to share and glean ideas relating to SAE Based Degrees & Awards and SAE For All. 

Topics: SAE-Based Degrees & Awards and SAE For All

Overview:  Participants will choose the breakout that best meets their needs (feel free to jump between the two rooms).  Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it be organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to the two topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  Wha you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

  • SAE-Based Degrees & Awards breakout will focus on how states manage degrees and awards, what resources are available to students and teachers, etc.
  • The SAE for All breakout will focus on how states are currently or plan to roll it out to their teachers, how states have incorporated SAE for All into state policies/standards/program approvals, etc.

When: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 @ 3:00 PM EST

Watch the recordings here!

October's Event      

Join us at 3:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 for the next session of The State Staff Connection Series!  This month’s topic is “Know Before you Go: Prepping for National FFA Convention & Expo.”  The conversation will be driven by your questions and needs.  Perhaps you are unsure how to navigate the city, or maybe you need food ideas for your state officers - the conversation is yours!  If you are new to NASAE, this would be a great chance for you to meet others who may be attending for the first time, too! 

Topic: Know Before you Go: Prepping for National FFA Convention & Expo

Overview: What do you need to know before heading to Indianapolis at the end of the month?  How can NASAE help you feel prepared for this event?  Perhaps you are unsure how to navigate the city, or maybe you need food ideas for your state officers - the conversation is yours!  If you are new to NASAE, this would be a great chance for you to meet others who may be attending for the first time, too!  The conversation will be driven by your questions and needs. 

When: Tuesday, October 10, 2023 @ 3:00 PM EDT


September's Event      

Topic: National FFA Convention & Expo Registration & Suggested Topics Brought to Us by YOU!

Overview: As we round out this year’s The State Staff Connection Series, it’s time for YOU to share the topics you need to discuss.  What do you need to talk about?  What advice/guidance will help you make the 2023-2024 school year be the best yet?  Help us determine the topics by completing this short survey:

When: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 @ 3:00 PM EDT

Recordings: State Officer Team Management and Including Students with Disabilities

August's Event      

Join us at 3:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 for the next session of The State Staff Connection Series!  This month’s session is a chance for us to come together to share and glean ideas relating to The Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET). 

Topic: The Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET)

Overview: Roger Hanagriff will join us to discuss FFA and Program Management Tools & Reporting tools in the AET.  The AET system is a comprehensive student-centered agricultural education management system designed to help students track their education experiences and document them.  The AET also provides additional features for state staff.  Attend this session to see what the AET has to offer and some of the newest features!

AET Update


When: Tuesday, August 8, 2023 @ 3:00 PM EDT

July's Event      

Join us at 3:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 for the next session of The State Staff Connection Series!  This month’s session is a chance for us to come together to share and glean ideas relating to the Annual FFA Report & On-boarding New Teachers.  This month’s session will also include a Regional Meeting.

Topics: Regional Meeting, Annual FFA Report & On-boarding New Teachers

Overview: We will kick-off the series with a short regional meeting to touch base with our regional colleagues.  Participants will then choose the breakout that best meets their needs (feel free to jump between the two rooms).  Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it become organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to these two topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  What you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

  • Lisa Barger from National FFA, will join us for the Annual FFA Report breakout which will focus on navigating the system and completing this annual requirement.
  • The On-boarding New Teachers breakout will focus on how state staff welcome new ag teachers to their state and what resources are provided to them.

When: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 @ 3:00 PM EDT

On-Boarding New State Staff

June's Event      

Join us at 3:00 pm EDT on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 for the next session of The State Staff Connection Series!  This month’s session is a chance for us to come together to share and glean ideas relating to FFA Leadership Programs and the Creation of Programs at Non-Traditional Schools. 

Topics: FFA Leadership Programs and Creation of Programs at Non-Traditional Schools

Overview: Participants will choose the breakout that best meets their needs (feel free to jump between the two rooms).  Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it become organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to these two topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  What you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

  • The FFA Leadership Programs breakout will focus on sharing ideas for leadership programming offered at the regional or state level for members.
  • The Creation of Programs at Non-Traditional Schools will focus on sharing best practices for the creation of programs at non-traditional schools.

When: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 @ 3:00 PM EDT

Recording Located Here!

May's Event      

Join us on Friday, May 19, at 1 p.m. EDT for a professional development opportunity entitled Fill Up Your Bucket: Beat Burnout & Boost Retention, presented by Reagan Pugh. This session has been planned by the National FFA, the National Association of Supervisors of Agricultural Education, the National Association of Agricultural Educators and the American Association for Agricultural Education for the agricultural education profession. The webinar recording, the PowerPoint and the handout are now available. The materials will be available until Monday, July 31. 

Session Overview:

Being a teacher is tough, and over the last few years, it's become even tougher. Teachers are expected to do more than ever, and state staff are struggling to keep up. But it doesn't have to be this way.

In this workshop, we'll show you how to fill up your bucket, so you can support yourself and others without burning out. We'll share fun and practical strategies for overcoming self-doubt, imposter syndrome and being overwhelmed.

We won't use fancy terms like "post-pandemic" or "post-COVID mental health" — we'll focus on what works. And by the end of the workshop, you'll have a toolbox of ideas to support yourself and others.

This workshop is perfect for teachers, state staff, national staff, teacher educators and even students who want to support their educators. Together, let's fill our buckets, beat burnout and boost retention.


April's Event      

Join us at 3:00 pm ET on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 for the third session of The State Staff Connection Series!  This month’s session is a chance for us to come together to share and glean ideas relating to 100% Affiliation and Teacher Mentorship. 

Topics: 100% Affiliation and Teacher Mentorship

Overview: Participants will choose the breakout that best meets their needs (feel free to jump between the two rooms).  Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it become organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to these two topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  What you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

  • The 100% Affiliation breakout will focus on sharing ideas for implementing and funding 100% affiliation. 
  • The Teacher Mentorship breakout will focus on sharing ideas for supporting teachers, whether informal or formal programming.

When: Tuesday, April 11, 2023 @ 3:00 PM ET

Watch: Watch the recordings here

March's Event      

Join us at 3:00 pm ET on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 for the second session of The State Staff Connection Series!  This month’s session is a chance for us to come together to share and glean ideas relating to State Convention Engagement & Programming and State Officer Transition. 

Topics: Regional Meeting, State Convention Engagement & Programming, and State Officer Transition

Overview: We will kick-off the series with a short regional meeting to meet new faces and share wins and challenges.  Participants will then choose the breakout that best meets their needs (feel free to jump between the two rooms).  Each breakout will have a series of prompts to help guide the conversation, but let it become organic!  This is time dedicated for you to get what you need as it relates to these two topics.  And don’t be afraid to share!  What you may feel is a small idea may be someone’s grand solution.

  • The State Convention Engagement & Programming breakout will focus on ideas to increase or enhance engagement at your state convention with teachers, students, sponsors, etc. 
  • The State Officer Transition breakout will focus on transitioning state officers out of office and helping them quantify the experience.

When: Tuesday, March 14, 2023 @ 3:00 PM ET

February's Event      

Click to Watch the Recording!

The first session will be delivered by Dr. Chaney Mosley, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Education and Associate Director, Tennessee STEM Education Center at Middle Tennessee State University.  See below for workshop details and Zoom information.

When: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 @ 3:00 PM ET

Workshop: Suicide and Agricultural Education Teachers – Should We Be Concerned?  

The link will be sent on the NASAE listserve. Not a member of the listserve? Email Andy Seibel, to become a member.

The Connection Newsletter

February Newsletter
May Newsletter
August Newsletter
December Newsletter


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